I am the co-founder of Just Ground, a research and advocacy project focused on advancing the goals of impacted communities working to address corporate or government activity that threatens or violates their human rights. I am a human rights lawyer and researcher with over 15 years of experience collaborating on human and civil rights advocacy projects with grassroots activists, community-based organizations and international NGOs. Through my advocacy work, I have learned that people impacted by injustice must play a defining role in deriving the strategies and systems for dismantling it if there is to be any meaningful change. As a result, I have focused on furthering rights holder-led models for accountability and remedy within the field of business and human rights. This has included serving as associate general counsel for the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, and collaborating with EarthRights International to promote community-driven operational grievance mechanisms. In joining the network, I am looking to support other network members with research, advocacy and technical support .