Mary Oyier is a mother of 3.I worked with a leading communicarion company for 17years dealing direct with the public. This kind off attached me to serving Humanity. For i got the opportunity of answering, guiding, helping the endless complains of unsatisffied clients. Then come tetrenchment. .I went straight into community work. Women empowerment was my starting point.We formed a savings and loans which flopped after two years mainly by loan defaulters. We then embarked on Table banking merry go rounds which proved to be more effective. This strengthen my net work and many saw me as link here and there, favours were asked and i delivered.Guidance on Access to Goverment facilities, leaders and institutions. I will always help out whenever called upon. I guess its in the body system. One thing led to tge other and i found my self representing Human rights.I will go to Court and meet lost desparate Kenyans seeking help for there loved ones in the corridors. In my Country the Prisons is full of innocent and Criminals. Justice delayed is justice denied. By the time one is proved innocent the damaged has already been done. Then i frequent hospitals and will always leave drainned. There was a tribal Clash here in the Caost Dupped Kayabombo. Lives and properties were lost. Certain tribes were evicted. Then 2007. Came post ekection violence that almost brought our Country down. God saved us. We pretended all was well but at least we got a new Constitution 2010.2012 was another election that we survived post election violence by an inch. This is when i got interested in Peace. I had to read and learn and my answer to date that Peace is Justice. So i become an activist. Bob Marley song 'get up get up. Fight for your rights’suddenly had a meaning in my life. In between i met Arthur Oyange who sold the Idea Of One Nation Under God… vision. He had members here and there but nothing was happening for one we lacked resources. Being a Born again Christians and having read Gods miracles i took in faith a step. I asked to spread the Visio in Msa. It was just a movement.Theme Campaign for Credible, peacful Election. As we layed down Campaign strategy for Peace. Justice, Resolutions, Conflict took the Centre Stage. In the last two years we Onugpwani did and is still doing uniting Kenyans regardless of colour, rekigio, tribe or race. We by joinning Namati the expected end is teaming up in our push for a Mwananchi Centre whereby lost. Confused Citizen will have access to basic needs. We will create a one stop Centre for major and small needs including legal aid. Am planning to train as many youths as possible to create parallegalls. This will help them earn a living and guide others and thus a Harmonius Country. Early pregnancies that is forcing our girls out of School is a project we have been working on via, Drama, skits.Hope is so powerful that money and its my nature ti give Hope always. Onug Hope Centre will be a home to many as we open doors soon in February