There is a new place to look for funding to support your organization’s legal empowerment work!
“Voice is a new innovative grant facility that supports the most marginalised and discriminated people in Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines and Indonesia. It aims to amplify and connect thus far unheard voices in efforts to leave no one behind. By using innovate tools and approaches Voice will help strengthen the influencing capacity of civil society organisations and representatives of the most marginalised and discriminated people. Voice aims at empowering thus far unheard voices to express their view and demand their right to be heard and included.” Learn more about Voice here.
See all open and future Calls for Proposals here: There are four types of grant: Empowerment Grant; Influencing Grant; Innovate and Learn Grant; Sudden Opportunity Grant
Please note, only organizations in the following countries are eligible to apply for Voice grants:
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Indonesia
- Kenya
- Laos
- Mali
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Philippines
- Tanzania
- Uganda