Hi everyone!
National Society for Democracy and Law (NSDL) is an NGO has been working on disseminating the culture of democracy and protecting human rights in the Palestinian society since 2003. Moreover, it focuses its work on providing the battered women with the free legal services (legal Consultations, Legal and judicial representations before courts and raising legal awareness) via the legal aid clinic. It is noteworthy to mention that dozens of battered women head to NSDL daily asking for help. We have a considerable number of volunteers who work there to provide them with the required legal help. The number of cases is increasing due to many reasons; among which are, the Israeli occupation, the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip for more than 11 years, the Palestinian political division and control of Hamas Government. We seek funding and promoting the cooperation and partnership with institutions working in the same field in order to ensure the continuity of the legal aid clinic, supporting human rights and protecting the vulnerable women.
Please understand that your response means a lot to us
Hi Ibrahim! Welcome again to the network. It’s great to see you here, and I look forward to getting to know you. The challenges you face working in Gaza Strip are probably largely unique to your situation, which will be interesting to hear about, and you likely also have other challenges that are similar to other similar organizations working in other parts of the world. Can you tell us some more about your challenges and strategies you employ to try to overcome them? Apart from the funding challenge which of course faces all of us. 
Have you signed the petition? We aim to collect as many signatures as possible to tell world leaders to fund and protect justice defenders. Here’s the link: https://www.justiceforall2030.org/take-action/
In your quest for funding, you will want to join this list topic:
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Hi Mr. Tobias
Sorry for the late reply
I look forward to getting to know you too.Yes, I have signed the petition.
Since 2011, NSDL has worked on developing the legal aid clinic. It has become the only place in the southern Gaza Strip that has been providing the battered women with legal services such as legal consultations, legal and judicial representations, raising legal awareness and social mediation. Despite of its resounding success, it is threatened of closing down and stopping its services. This is because it has been encountering many challenges such as: 1- the noticeable increase of women seeking its services while it desperately needs funding. 2- the Siege Imposed on Gaza, which has caused many problems to the different segments of the society and badly affected radical issues like poverty and unemployment; the thing which leads to rising demand of legal services. 3- the problem of salaries cut of the Palestinian Authority staff only in the Gaza Strip. This problem is considered as one of the main reasons laying behind violence against women.
National society for democracy and law has been trying to deal with such challenges by enhancing the spirit of voluntarism among the organization staff. Moreover, it tries to communicate with various organization seeking fund. Yet, many funders have changed their orientations towards relief projects.