"Are you a global or regional coalition or network that is led by one of Voice’s target groups?
Do you see sudden and unanticipated opportunities where you want to stand in solidarity with marginalised people to influence global, regional and national decision-makers? Do you want to promote more inclusion of groups and communities so far excluded?
Are you worried about new threats that could limit the full enjoyment of your human rights or lead to even more discrimination and exclusion of marginalised and discriminated communities?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, then consider applying to this Call for Proposals. We want to support your actions NOW!"
Priority is given to applications that work on, for and/or with the following rightsholder groups :
Women facing exploitation, abuse and/or violence
People with Disabilities
Age-discriminated (youth and/or elderly)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) people and
True! So many countries are covered, but not Zambia. Please feel free to share opportunities you come across that cover legal empowerment work in your country, and keep an eye on the Opportunities category - many members are sharing all the time and you may find a good lead that way.