Dear friends, The US Agency for International Development (USAID)/Senegal has just released a new Request for Information (RFI) opportunity called, “Senegal Governance for Local Development Activity”, solicitation number RFI-685-16-GOLD. Proposed activities should last for five years. Note, this RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes and does not constitute a Request for Applications or Proposals (RFA/RFP).
Funder: The opportunity will be funded by USAID, the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies.
With the Government of Senegal, USAID improves lives by creating jobs, improving access to education and health care, strengthening democratic institutions, and developing the agriculture sector to increase production and incomes.
Responses due date: February 10, 2016
Award ceiling: $20,000,000
Goal: To tackle local governance, citizen-state relations, and accountability concerns that are common across all USAID/Senegal program areas.
Specifically, the Governance for Local Development Activity seeks to strengthen:
Collectivités Locales’ (decentralized government authorities at the municipal and district levels, henceforth referred to as “CL”) and citizens’ understanding of the roles and responsibilities of elected and appointed CL officials;
The planning, budget management, and administrative capacity of local government entities to mobilize and accountably manage resources for local service and infrastructure needs; and
Community participation in the local governance process and ability to provide oversight for improved service delivery.