You're Invited: Unite for Justice Virtual Event, May 18th

Earlier this year, we launched Unite for Justice, a digital campaign calling for bold ideas and people to deepen the global justice movement. We heard from 160+ people (including a lot of network members :fist:t4:) from 40+ countries. Here’s what some of them said.

Now it is time to celebrate :tada:.

The official Unite for Justice virtual event is open to UFJ participants AND network members regardless of participation in the campaign. All event details are below and on You can RSVP to the event here.

UFJ Event Invite

Special thanks to network members @PrincePapa @Rachele @vesnashapkoski @vivekmaru @Wumstar for making this event extra, extra powerful. RSVP to hear from, and engage with, all participants + you don’t want to miss the special performance and personal shout out by Costa Rican musician, Maf É Tulà :fire:


An absolute honour to facilitate this wonderful event and a just cause for our societies. Looking forward to a great session! :blush:


Thank you for the invitation to the unite for justice virtual event. looking forward to participate

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A great pleasure joining you all here as a new member and I look forward to participating in this session.

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@Sean Thank you for joining the Legal Empowerment Network! We look forward to learning from and with you. @MOHAMEDHALAKE We are thrilled you can join us tomorrow!

If you both submitted an RSVP to the celebration, you should have received the Zoom link yesterday. I’m adding it to this thread just in case. Click the below link tomorrow at the time of the event to access the celebration :tada:

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